Category Archives: Uncategorized

Make Sure You Own Your Proprietary Software

Proprietary software, also known as commercial software or closed-source software, consists of computer software that the publisher or another person owns the rights to use, modify, share modifications, or share the software. This type of software may consist of ​​custom management software, sales tools, software to run automated production, and more.  Not owning your business’ […]

How to Protect Your Business’ Intellectual Property

If you’re a business owner, your intellectual property is one of the most valuable components of your business. The most common types of intellectual property are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.  Protecting these intellectual properties is crucial to the success of your business. This consists of more than just protecting your ideas; It consists […]

Startup Lawyer TX | Why New Business Owners Need a Startup Lawyer

Between March of 2019 and March of 2020, the state of Texas saw 72,211 new establishments be opened. Are you thinking of starting your own business? For many people, this is a lifelong dream.  From planning your business model to marketing your products and services, there are many responsibilities that you’ll face as an entrepreneur. […]

M&A Lawyer Austin, TX | Why You Should Find a Lawyer Who Does Mergers and Acquisitions

If you’re thinking about acquiring another business, being absorbed by one, or merging with a separate company, there are many factors to consider. How should you go about negotiating agreements and contracts? How do you draft, legally bind, and file official paperwork? These are just a few of the questions that might arise. The good […]

Franchise Attorney Austin, TX | Reasons to Hire a Franchise Attorney

Are you thinking of becoming a franchisee? You’re not the only one. There are more than 750,000 franchise businesses across the U.S.  One of the first steps to take in becoming a franchisee is hiring a franchise attorney. Franchise attorneys can make this process efficient and protect you from any potential legal issues. Read on for […]

Business Lawyer Austin, TX | Why You Need a Business Lawyer

If you’re a business owner, you know that there are more responsibilities than meet the average eye. But, having a business lawyer can reduce this list of responsibilities significantly. It can also reduce business owner stress by providing them with the peace of mind they need to operate efficiently. If you’re wondering why you should […]

Contract Lawyer Austin, TX | How a Contract Lawyer Can Help You

It’s true what they say; “Good fences make good neighbors.” It’s also true that strong contracts make strong business relationships. For businesses across all industries, contracts are an important aspect of running smoothly and efficiently. Contract lawyers ensure that all business contracts are in compliance with state and federal regulations, and can help your business […]